Farming Knowleagde

  • We cannot say which business is the best. Each business has its own advantages and disadvantages. Profit depends on the size of the farm, availability of raw materials, good water resources, cheap labor, and marketing.

    Poultry farming involves raising birds to obtain feathers, meat and eggs, while raising pigs only involves obtaining meat. If you are willing to invest the required time, effort and resources to make the investment worthwhile, then these two businesses are all good choices. Therefore, your investment choice will strictly depend on the available resources, such as land, pasture, water, etc., and asset size is also an important aspect.


    The following will guide you in the choice of your business:
    Pigs take longer time to grow and reproduce than poultry. This means you will have to wait a little longer to sell your pigs than poultry.What is the demand side of your business? Without a demand for your products, there would be no need to start any of these in the first place except of course you want to raise them for your consumption.In Broiler Poultry farming and Layer Poultry Farming, you can get profit from the first month but you have to special care and management. And the disease in the Poultry Business is more as compared to pig farming.

    Small Feed Making Plant for Chicken&Pig Farming

    As a reliable and experienced manufacturer of feed pellet making machine, Sunwit can offer both single feed pellet machine and customized complete feed production line. For more information about the equipment and detailed price, please feel free to inquire from us!

    Tips for Successful Poultry Farming
    Decide on the type of poultry farm you want
    There are a number of things you can do as a poultry farmer, these include:
    The niche you choose will depend on your capital and the needs of your region. Therefore, it is critical to study what type of poultry farming is profitable in your area and how much it costs to start a business (can ask other poultry farmers).

    Making your own poultry feed for your birds

    Like humans, birds must eat in order to grow and be healthy. In fact, feeding birds will account for most of your costs. What you need to figure out is, will you buy feed or make feed yourself?

    Although it takes more money to produce poultry feed on its own, it can reduce costs over time as it buys feed from elsewhere. In addition, if you also sell poultry feed to other farmers, it can become another source of income. However, for large farms with more funds, this may be a more feasible approach.

    In short, your decision will depend on studying each option and figuring out whether these costs will benefit you.

    Some Tips & Cautions for Raising Pigs
    Pigs can be dangerous sometimes, so be aware of this before starting pig farming business.Keep the mud wallow separated, and don't let the piglets into the adult wallow (because the mature pigs generally do not pay attention and even can injure or kill small pigs).Never feed your pigs with raw meat. Make a strong fence around the pen.Never buy too young piglets, and the piglets should reach at least 6 weeks of age.Use only approved pesticides for controlling lice and mites.

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